Gone Fishing!


The Union of Satirical Magazine Employees Local 001 stands somewhere nearby our brothers, sisters and such in the Public Service Alliance of Canada (now with up to 20 per cent essential personnel!)

Any Canada that would deny His Majesty’s tax collectors a 30 per cent top-up, let alone 13 per cent for our frontline Candy Crush Saga champions, is not a Canada my organ could ever in good conscience mock.

A smirking class hero is something to be, and for the duration of this public service job inaction, Frank will resolutely hold the line with the inflation-busting price of  $129.95 for a year of my organ ($14.95 a month.)

Order online at: www.shop.frankmag.ca

Email: subscriptions@frankmag.ca

Call: (613) 762-4541

Solidarity, whatever!



  1. almost ran over some sign waving karens in burnside today, walking all over the main roads & stuffing timmies bieber balls in their gaping yaps

  2. If it was only men picketters, would you moan as much?

    What is the turnover in the Canadian civil service? Is some of it mind-breaking-bending work, despite automation/computerization?

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