The Runaway Ezra: Sun Media family values correspondent – Frank Magazine

The Runaway Ezra: Sun Media family values correspondent

Sun Media gasbag-in-chief Ezra Levant last week waddled valiantly into the fray to defend the institution of marriage from the libidinous Liberals, apoplectic that Justin Trudeau would pose for a picture with a wedding party and—Shame! Shame!—actually give the bride a peck on the cheek.

It was, quoth Ethical Ez, like a scene from the Wedding Crashers, “that sex comedy where slutty men go to weddings uninvited to bed the maids of honour.”

Justin was just like his “promiscuous” father:

Liona Boyd. Margot Kidder. Kim Cattrall. He banged every one, he was a slut… What you think of this picture depends in part on what you think of weddings, and marriages, and fidelity and faithfulness. Trudeau invaded a personal, intimate day, a day about the commitment of a man and a woman to each other,” Levant said.

Fidelity. Faithfulness. Commitment.

And our Ezra’s no ergonomic armchair moralist. He’s walked the walk, oh verily, right down the Aisle of Holy Matrimony.

1999 – marriage docs

It’s hard to imagine, but he hasn’t always been a total nudnik. Indeed, back in the nineties, the much younger and prettier Ezra, 27, was a libertarian swinger, who wooed and won a 24-year-old fashion industry novitiate by the name of Golda van Messel.

Ezra and Golda married in October 1999 – the kosher sushi was to die for! — and settled down in Toronto, hoping to raise a family.

Alas, it was not to be. By 2005, with their marriage sunk in the tailings pond of despair, the unhappy couple filed for divorce.

Golda, who earned less than $20,000 a year in the shmatte biz, claimed $3,500 a month in spousal support.

Fidelity. Faithfulness. Er…

Ezra counter-offered zero spousal support, noting that his annual salary from the Western Standard was a mere $31,000 per year. Curiously, court documents reveal his 2004 income wasn’t taxable. (Ezra a tax avoider? Pas possible!)

Levant divorce counter-claim

So, in the end, the uxorious Ezra made no attempt to reconcile and fought paying Golda so much as a penny.

‘Til death do us part.


  1. How dare Ezra diminish Pierre’s formidable and, dare I say, enviable swordsman’s reputation by omitting Barbra Streisand from his list of accomplishments? Pure jealously.

  2. The thing about Ezra is that his outrageous frat-boy asshole schtick has already been done to death by much more gifted assholes, world-class buffoon-reactionaries with a real talent for helping their dim, maladjusted fans feel good about themselves. Compared to the pros he’s a Borscht Belt comic with no timing, a mohel with the shakes, vegan cream cheese and faux-lox on a gluten-free bagel…

  3. As usual, the truth has come out and once again Ezra is wrong. The father in law and the photographer tell a tale so different from Ezra’s that someone has to be lying. Maybe no-one ever told him about interviewing witnesses.

    Ezra seems to be doing his best ( high praise indeed ) to recruit Liberal votes.

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