Clichéd By The Bell!
Found poem on fishwrap
The gloves are off.
Ladies and gents, let’s get ready to rumble.
Gut-check time.
Some folks thought Premier Danielle Smith would run for cover as the story heated up and more questions were being asked.
On the contrary.
The Alberta government led by Smith is playing hardball.
They are not hiding under their beds curled up in the fetal position.
They are fighting back.
Such is their mood. Pretty pumped…
Smith took aim…
Mike Tyson, who this scribbler sat down with in Vegas 30 years ago….””Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face,”
…grab a ringside seat…popcorn…Let the games begin.
— Rick Bell End, Western Canada’s Worst Living Columnist™ (2025) and most other years, “Danielle Smith’s government goes toe-to-toe with former AHS boss,” Calgary Harold, Feb. 12.
Condensed from the original 3-minute hate-read.