At The Bar: Supreme Court Sweepstakes – Frank Magazine

At The Bar: Supreme Court Sweepstakes

With Supreme Court Justice Marshall Rothstein hanging up his Santa Suit August 31, which lucky jurist will pick it up from the drycleaner?

President Steve, despite having appointed seven of the court’s nine judges, keeps getting his tough-on-the-Constitution agenda thwarted by the Supremes.

The solution? Go full retard. (shurely not Vic Toews?!—ed.) No more Mr. Qualified Guy. It’s time to start planting some seriously right-thinking judges on the chronically disobedient high court.

High on the list of suspects is Alberta Appeals Court Justice Russell Brown who, before his elevation to the bench, was just another obscure hard-right law prof at the University of Alberta, best known for blathering on about the high sanctity of landowners’ rights.

His alacritous ascent up the judicial ladder – installed on the Court of Queen’s Bench in 2013, bumped up to the Court of Appeal less than a year later – gives many observers the distinct impression he’s being fast-tracked for, er, something.

He’s got all the right friends, having squatted on the “advisory council” of John Carpay’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Franks passim), a monochrome rainbow coalition that includes such luminaries as Harper’s legalist Benjamin Perrin, Calgary School gorgon Barry Cooper, Canadian Taxpayers Federation head boy Troy Lanigan and rightist drooler Michael Taube.

From its full-throated (but not in a gay way) support of Trinity Western U’s no-shirtlifting-in-the-law-school policy, to its ongoing jihad against Ontario’s too-sexy-ed curriculum, the JCCF is always there to defend the freedoms of white Christian heterosexualists from the tyranny of the minorities.

“Current events remind us that the notion of limited government – particularly as it pertains to freedom of conscience and freedom of expression – can never be taken for granted in Canada,” Brown enthused before his judgeship rendered such abject braunnosing out of bounds.

“More help is needed to preserve these rights.  Because John Carpay has a demonstrated record of effective advocacy in just such matters, I expect that the Justice Institute will quickly join the ranks of Canada’s most important watchdogs.”

Also among Brown’s heroes is the late B.C Supreme Court Judge John Bouck, who spent his retirement clamouring for provinces to get their own criminal minimum sentencing guidelines like U.S. states and keep the merciful excesses of the judiciary under control.

“It is hard to think of a Canadian public servant who has contributed more to the cause of civil and criminal justice reform than John Bouck,” Brown wrote in a review of the hangin’ judge’s book, Exploding the Myths: An Insider’s View of Canada’s Justice Systems.

“Constitutional dysfunction, outdated rules of civil procedure, impossible jury instructions, overreaching appellate courts – all are exposed and addressed with uncompromising candour.”

Justice Bouck’s other claim to fame was handing down possibly the longest sentence ever served in Canada on a wrongful conviction, when he sent Ivan Henry upriver in 1983 for a series of violent sexual assaults in his neighbourhood, which curiously did not cease after his arrest.

In 2010, the British Columbia Court of Appeal quashed Henry’s convictions on all counts, writing “the verdict on each count was not one that a properly instructed jury acting judicially could reasonably have rendered.”

Fuckin’ activist judges. Wait’ll they get a load of Russ.

1 Comment

  1. Where would we be without our own Clarence Thomas? Minus the Long Dong Silver business of course. This is, after all, Canada.

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