“The Globe and Mail has a problem with women. The problem is, women keep quitting. Sources say the paper has a serious management and morale problem, and that many of the women who have quit have born the brunt of the paper’s top-down style.”
–Jesse Brown, Canadaland, July 2, 2015.
A (female) Globe hack responds:
“What a crock of shit! This Canadaland pussy pretends to hold the feminist card and just types out what he is being told to him by some malcontent who is making this crap up.
“There is no feminist pro or anti agenda at work here.
“Men have been shafted as much as women, and Brown makes no mention of former Globe managers like Elena Cherney, [ex-managing editor], Jill Borra [former exec. editor] and Charlene Rooke [departed Custom Content editor], who inflicted more harm on women than any man at the Globe.
The Globe does hate independence and integrity in the staff–men and women. That hasn’t always been the case, but it is now with this new and very stupid, very brutish regime.
But they shafted women? They shafted Martin Mittlesdetadt, they shafted Rick Groen, they shafted Jack Kapica, Rick Salutin, Martin Levin, Jack Kirchhoff, Michael Valpy, Derek DeCloet, Sol Chrom and countless other absolutely brilliant writers and editors. And they shafted little ol’ Dan Driver, who was there forever and knew nothing else.
Who cares? Nobody reads the fuckin Globe anymore, anyway. RIP.
” Nobody reads the fuckin Globe anymore ”
Just hold it up to a bright light or the sun and you can read it, all 4 pages folded, at once.
Once it was Canada’s newspaper of record. Now…hardly even bird cage liner. But, its still better than the Notional Toast.
I’m not an economist, but can anyone explain to me how the Mope & Wail and the Notional Putz manage to survive endlessly with falling readership, declining ad revenues, and quarterly losses in the tens of millions?? How can this possibly be sustainable? The only answer I can think of is that more profitable parts of their respective congloms are being skimmed to make up the shortfall on the print side. But if that’s true, why aren’t the shareholders screaming bloody murder? Plus, the papers are crap and getting worse. Who is benefitting here???
are they still writing stories every day about Michael Chan?
I remember when he was a top tennis player, back in the day. .don’t know what he does now..or why they keep writing about him..