This Week in the Petfinder: Screaming Ottawa Goat! – Frank Magazine

This Week in the Petfinder: Screaming Ottawa Goat!

Screaming Ottawa goat gets head stuck in fence, resident calls cops thinking it’s a child
When police were called to the city’s rural west end by the report of a child’s call for help, it turned out to be a tale in which a “four-legged kid had a baaaad day.” — Megan Gillis, Feb. 3.

Canadian groundhogs divided on winter weather predictions — Feb. 2.

Earless stray cat gets ‘ear bonnet’ and forever home — Jan. 30.

PETA wants to replace Punxsutawney Phil with an AI groundhog — Jan 30.

OPP rescues injured owl in middle of Madoc street
There can be no doubt provincial police give a hoot after the rescue of an injured owl.
— Jan. 28.

For birds and humans, more friends doesn’t mean better friends — Jan. 25.

No turkeys. No possums. U.S. to let airlines limit service animals on planes to trained dogs — Jan. 22.

Pet passports: EU to crack down on criminals abusing the system — Jan. 21.

Kingston ice rescue attempt aborted when crews determine animal a coyote, not a dog — Jan. 20.


  1. On behalf of the coyote, I wish to file a complaint to the human Rights Tribunal. This is Species Racism, no 2 ways about it.

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