“The heinously defamed John A. Macdonald gave First Nations the right to vote….” November 13, 2021 Drivel/News
“A dollar is always more productive in the hands of the person who earned it…” October 29, 2021 Twidiocy
“As your new mayor, my first order of business will be to shoot us all in the collective foot!” October 29, 2021 Drivel/News
“Was the killer in the car? What was the reason? So many unanswered questions.” October 29, 2021 Drivel/News
“The National Post is not a rap video, and coarseness should not be amplified by needless repetition.” October 29, 2021 Drivel/News
“America’s performance as a slave-holding country was not markedly worse than that of other countries” October 29, 2021 Drivel/News
“When you topple statues of your nation’s founder, [you’re] arguing that the world would be a better place without Canada….” October 16, 2021 Drivel