“It is undeniable that U.S. President Joe Biden has to take the full force of blame for the chaos in Afghanistan” September 10, 2021 Drivel
“The anti-maskers and anti-vaccine protesters are an American phenomenon that snuck up here.” September 3, 2021 Drivel/News
“The scenes from Kabul look like a modern-day Dunkirk. But Afghanistan is not on water and these are not trained military soldiers.” September 3, 2021 Drivel
“Is there any sane person who in the dark and quiet of their bedroom in the dead, vast, and middle of the night would not prefer Trump?” September 3, 2021 Drivel/News
“Porn legend Victoria Paris was very classy and had an aura of innocence” August 23, 2021 Drivel/News
“I was delighted to see…Stephen Harper in the news pages and on video last week” August 23, 2021 Drivel
“Disagree with me. I can take it. So can strong women—you know, the ones worth listening to.” August 20, 2021 Drivel/News