Murray Edwards drills again – Frank Magazine

Murray Edwards drills again

The last time we heard from N. Murray Edwards, the Calgary-based multi-grillionaire was distraught over the demise of his marriage.

Readers will recall how N. Murray’s wife, Heather, dumped him in favour of k.d. lang, the lowercase chanteuse and sushi enthusiast.

Sadly, the past year has been a rough one for N. Murray. Not only did he lose his wife to the charms of another woman, but his vast gas and oil holdings in the Alberta tar sands also took a real, er, licking.

What with the price of a barrel of oil descending to $40 depths, N. Murray, 56, slipped from the ranks of Canada’s Top 20 richest men to No. 24. According to Canadian Business wealthiest Canadians ratings, poor Mur’ is down to his last $2.4 billion. About the only positive news for him last year was that his Calgary Flames, of which he is co-owner, made the NHL play-offs.

Still, it was a shock for Murray when Heather announced she was exiting the family mansion to play for the other team—and not the Oilers.

What prompted Heather to join the ladies who lunch is a mystery, but there is some speculation that her growing spiritual awareness clicked with k.d.’s.

Lang has been a Buddhist enthusiast for decades and a keen supporter of the likes of the American Foundation for Tibetan Cultural Preservation and various other causes, environmental and otherwise.

Doubtless, all this fruity environmental claptrap was just one more sore point for NDP-hating N. Murray (“I got yer peace tools. Right here, baby!”)

But I am delighted to report that the ole’ swordsman has finally recovered from his loss and is in a relationship with none other than Alison Redford!

There’s a certain symmetry to all of this, of course. The former Alberta preem is recovering from her own annus horribilis, her reign undone by her champagne tastes: Swanning about India, the UK and Europe, falsification of aircraft bookings so Princess Alison could fly alone, plush pay outs to her loyal staffers and, of course, the Skypalace private penthouse caper, which was apparently inspired by her desire to wash Glen Jermyn, husband No. 2, out of her hair.

So hooking up with N. Murray is merely the natural order of things and which no doubt accounts for why Alison seems less anxious about financial matters lately, not to mention the delighted look on her face in the photo with N. Murray.

Now she’s landed Alberta’s biggest sugar daddy, who can furnish all the private jet toots she could desire, play dates at one of his six ski resorts, etc, etc.

Frank felicitations to the happy couple.



  1. Canadian Oil-Sands Giant CNRL (Murray Edwards) Extends Reach in $2.8 Billion Devon Deal. May 29, 2019

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