“Imam Sherif El Sayed of the Al-Rashid Mosque in Edmonton gives sermons saying that Muslim women in Canada must be obedient to their husbands in a way that would make a Saudi Arabian king proud.
“According to El Sayed, women can’t let anyone into the house, they can’t even leave their own house without their husband’s permission.
“Today [the Al-Rashid Mosque’s] goal is Sharia law. And a radicalization of Canadian Muslims. That mosque preaches the subordination of women, the marginalization of gays, and the killing of Muslim moderates.
“But, hey, there’s a few votes there for Justin Trudeau. It’s all good, right? When he’s behind closed doors at the mosque, he talks with the extremists themselves.”
–Ezra Levant, Sun Media, Aug. 20, 2014.

July 5, 2013 – On July 2, the Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, visited the Al-Rashid Mosque in Edmonton. Minister Kenney met with Imam Sherif El Sayed and other leaders in the Muslim community in Edmonton. The Al-Rashid Mosque is the oldest mosque in Canada, which officially opened in 1938. Today, the Al-Rashid Mosque serves over 30,000 people in Edmonton.
–Pakistani Canadian Cultural Association, July 2013.
Good one.
Politicians of whatever party are on the lookout for votes. Are we surprised?
Trolling for ethnic votes is something all of our politicians do, regardless of party affiliation. No surprise, because they have backbones made of jelly.
Well done, Franksters! Now that Minister Kenney’s sympathies for the Global Mahometan Flying-Rug Conspiracy have been revealed he must do the honourable thing and resign…but not before authorizing his own deportation to some lawless hellhole.
Does Levant ever take his foot out of his mouth?