“I’m really lucky and very grateful…My doctors tell me that unless young boys are vaccinated on a wide scale, there will be a spike in the incidents of this sort of HPV cancer in the decades ahead.”
– Thornhill Conservative MP Peter Kent on his recovery from a February diagnosis of HPV-related throat and tongue cancer, Global News, Sept. 4 2014.
“Without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV [human papillomavirus], which actually comes about from cunnilingus…it’s a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer. And if you have it, cunnilingus is also the best cure for it.”
– Tip from fellow survivor Michael Douglas, The Guardian, June 2, 2013.
*Further illumination on this subject from Gilbert Gottfried and Norm Macdonald at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx5UhAQ3zFI.
Starts at 1:50.
OMG! The depths to which people sink.