Gone Fishing!

O’Booze cruise never-ending, amen

Frank felicitations to Todd J. McCarthy, who scored one of 98 golden tickets issued in last month’s two-day Harper Sweepstakes patronage extravaganza, landing a three-year berth on Canada Revenue Agency’s board of management.

Thus does the proven lawyer finally realize his burning desire to serve the public, so cruelly denied by electors in Ajax-Pickering, when he stood for the provincial Tories in last year’s running of the reptiles.

Todd J. is of course eminently qualified for the part-time earner (annual retainer up to $13,000 and per diems topping out at $665), not the least as partner at Flaherty McCarthy LLP, former home of the late, great Saint James Flaherty.

That would be the firm formerly known as Flaherty Dow Elliott & McCarthy LLP, before last December’s instalment of another O’Booze partner, Grant Dow, on the bench of the Superior Court of Justice (Franks passim).

Dow’s entirely meritocratic appointment was, of course, subjected to the rigorous scrutiny of the Federal Judicial Advisory Committee for Ontario (Greater Toronto), an august body which includes Catherine Zingg, crack legalist at…Flaherty McCarthy LLP.

Frank further imagined O’Booze belching (beaming, shurely?!—ed) with pleasure from his heavenly vantage back in February at the inspiring elevation to the Superior Court of Phillip Sutherland, another fine legal mind and former president of the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers (CABL).

The excellent Sutherland’s qualifications for the bench were myriad. Just ask Flaherty McCarthy founding partner Christine Elliott.

Back in 2009, during the Widow O’Booze’s first kick at the Ontario PC leadership can, while Jimbo himself coughed up a mere $5,000 for Christine’s war chest, Sutherland dug deep with a public-spirited contribution of $25,000 – with, bien sur, no expectation of future repayment, favour or advancement.

Trebles all ‘round!


  1. What’s the “Pass Mark” in Ethics at Law School? …Zero? St. Flaherty looks after his own indeed.

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