Gone Fishing!

Ezra Derangement Syndrome

“Alan Kurdi’s father was at the helm when the boat capsized.”
–Ten News Sydney, Sept. 11, 2015.

The odds of this news appearing on CBC, CTV, Global, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Canadian Press approaches zero.
–Ezra Levant, Twitter, Sept. 11, 2015.

Iraqi couple allege Alan Kurdi’s father was captain of boat that capsized
CTV, Friday, Sept. 11.

Iraqi couple allege Alan Kurdi’s father was captain of boat that capsized.
–Toronto Star, Sept. 11.

Alan Kurdi’s father was working as a human smuggler claims fellow refugee
–Global News, Sept. 11.

Alan Kurdi’s father worked with human smuggler and captained boat that capsized, survivor says
–Postmedia Breaking News, Sept. 11.

Iraqi couple allege Alan Kurdi’s father was captain of capsized boat
–The Canadian Press, Sept. 11.




  1. Ezra once again takes on Truth in a title match, and gets knocked out in the first minute of the fight.

  2. It says very little for humanity in general that there can be any kind of market for Ezra and his insane ravings.

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