After all the abuse Paul Godfrey’s been taking lately, who can blame him for playing the anti-Semitism card?
Granted, it’s the last refuge of a losebag, but these are desperate times for the Postmedia supremo.
His media empire is circling the bowl and he’s being assailed from all directions, notably by rival TorStar, where they’re calling him a liar and a stooge for U.S. corporate bloodsuckers.
No less an authority than the Star’s head bow-tie boy, John Honderich, accused Godfrey of “trifling with the truth about the newspaper industry.”
Star business columnist David Olive weighed in with a pitiless filleting of Postmedia: An “abomination,” a “cancer on Canadian journalism” and a “thinly disguised foreign takeover.” Furthermore, Olive wrote, Godfrey’s claim that American hedge funds ensured the survival of the newspaper chain when no others would step up was a “lie.”

Godfrey countered via his loyal fart catchers at the Sun, among them columnist Joe Wormington, whose rebuttal ended limply: “I take offense at any campaign that sullies the reputation of Godfrey—a great Torontonian and Canadian…”
Next up, Sue Ann Levy, the Sun’s Queen of Hate Tweeters and another Godfrey apple polisher:
@SueAnnLevy Jan 31
Sue-Ann Levy Retweeted JW
Methinks thou doth protest too much. Star has consistently taken an anti-Israel view.
@SueAnnLevy Feb 1
All I endeavoured to point out was Godfrey, a Jew, was being singled out & called a “cancer.”
@MikeWarland Feb 1
Why is @SueAnnLevy fixated about Paul Godfrey being Jewish?
@SueAnnLevy Feb 1
Retweeted Mike Warland
Well duh … Maybe cuz I’m Jewish and understand how insidious anti-Semitism can be.
Somehow, Levy resisted the urge to mention that Honderich is of German descent (say no more!!—ed.), and also failed to note that her beloved uncle, the late Jeff Lyons, longtime Tory bagman, was Godfrey’s dearest BFF.
Doubtless, this caliber of apple-polishing will ensure that Sue Ann is the last braunnoser standing for Postmedia’s imminent end of days.
Maybe I’m a hopeless cynic — and I have to admit that I nodded and grunted “uh-huh” over and over while I was reading Olive’s column — but I can’t help but think that there’s a method to Honderich’s anger. I’m sure he’d be very happy indeed if events were to unfold in such a way that the St. Catharines Standard, Stratford Beacon-Herald, London Free Press and Windsor Star were to fall into the Star fold.
Who’s still got a job in St. Catharines so they could buy a paper?
You can knock yourself out and go after me. I’m fair game.
But to bring up my beloved late uncle, Jeff Lyons, who I am still mourning and miss like crazy more than six months after he died suddenly, is the lowest of the low.
I used to enjoy Frank. It was cheeky and it was fun.
Now it just reeks of pettiness and bile.
Sue-Ann Levy
@Sue-Ann Levy. Oh, poor you, pity you, woe is you. If you don’t like Frank anymore, fine, cancel your subscription. Who needs you anyway, other than Postmedia perhaps? (But don’t count much on Postmedia, either, because Paul Godfrey seems to be loyal to few people other than himself.)