Frank hates to brag, but sometimes has little option. In 2020, my humble organ just did what it has done so compulsively since 1989*: blurted the dirt, named the names and left mainstream rags wheezing to catch up. Frank delivers the news you can’t get anywhere else — sometimes before it’s even true!
On occasion, however, our surviving colleagues in the working press follow up, confirm, and then endure our unseemly and jejune self-promotion. So, let’s get started, shall we? Herewith, Frank’s top ten stoop-and-scoops of 2020:
#1 Nygard Nabbed!

Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Indicted on Sex-Trafficking Charges
– New York Times, Dec. 15, 2020.
[A] grand jury has been empanelled and criminal charges are [imminent]…
– Frank, Sept. 8, 2020.
#2 One Sorry Pisher

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to announce that its defamation lawsuit with Ezra Levant and Rebel Media News Network Ltd. has been settled.
— press release, Oct. 27, 2020.
With so many crimes to crack by the Chinese and their stooges in the WHO, PHAC and LPC, it’s perhaps inevitable that the Rebel’s Muslim Desk has been woefully understaffed of late.
A slackening of tribal resolve could be seen as early as March, when the little pisher quietly settled a $120,000 defamation suit from Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) for calling the pro-BDS activists “Jew-baiters” and comparing them to Nazis.
The terms of the settlement are confidential, but the smugness of CJPME thingies strongly suggests a payment was involved.
— Frank, April 24, 2020.
#3 This Can’t Be Happening at Osgoode Hall!

Pressure mounts on U. of T. law faculty…[T]he National Council of Canadian Muslims has named Justice David E. Spiro as the judge responsible for engaging in inappropriate conduct by interfering in a hiring decision at the University of Toronto [sic] law faculty. Two sources have independently named the same judge to The Star.
– Toronto Star, Sept. 22, 2020.
Frank can now reveal that the mystery judge is Justice David E. Spiro, whose family is prominent in the TO Jewish community.
– Frank, Sept. 19, 2020.
#4 Lizards of WE

WE Charity spent more than $600,000 on U.S. political consultants, IRS filings show
– Globe and Mail, July 29, 2020.
And yet, even as they bled revenue, WE found $300K to hire 202 Strategies, founded by James Carville apprentice Stephan Miller, and another $130K for Firehouse Strategies, the wetwork shop of Terry Sullivan, Alex Conant, and Will Holley, the brain trust that masterminded Marco Rubio’s slimy, grimy 2016 presidential bid into the ditch.
– Frank, July 13, 2020.
#5: Julie Payette: Queen of Mean

Gov. Gen. Payette has created a toxic climate of harassment and verbal abuse at Rideau Hall, sources allege
– CBC, July 21, 2020.
For her part, Payette has rapidly established herself as a vice-regal pain in the ass, the most-unloved occupant of Rideau Hall since Adrienne Clarkson. At her inaugural ‘town hall’ meet-and-greet with staff last December, resplendent in her NASA jacket, Payette went on about herself and her extraordinary resumé for an eye-glazing hour and forty minutes–entirely in French. Numerous underlings have since tasted the temper of the dyspeptic diva, whose raging bollockings of those who displease her resound through Rideau Hall’s stately corridors. Much dusting of c.v.’s, as staff search for the nearest exit. And then there’s the ongoing obsession with secrecy. Regular public service oaths have been deemed inadequate, and as per edict from Her Excellency, no Rideau Hall sluggo shall handle any of her personal papers without first signing a non-disclosure agreement.
Even cleaning staff tasked with picking up Payette’s undersilks are escorted by security…
— Frank, May 3, 2018.
#6: Legion Woes I

Legions across Canada could close permanently, asking feds to help
– CTV News, June 22, 2020.
Legion of Doom
– Frank, June 19, 2020.
#7: Our Cop$ Are Top$: Shitpost Squad

Ottawa police officer under investigation for allegedly making racist meme suspended
— Ottawa Citizen, May 15, 2020.
Sloly Shome Mishtake! OPS Memester Unmasked?
— Frank, May 11, 2020.
#8 Legion Woes II

Ex-Royal Canadian Legion poppy boss accused of rape
— Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 24, 2020.
Legion News: Poppy Boss sued for Sexual Assault
— Frank, Feb. 19, 2020.
#9 Bingo night of the long knives

CBC’s The National to drop four-host television format
– Globe and Mail, Jan. 22, 2020.
Anchors Away at The National
– Frank, Nov. 26, 2019.
#10 Operation Tubby Drop

Conrad Black moving out of family estate as owner [Harold Perry] decides what to do with property
— Globe and Mail, Jan. 16, 2020.
Rumours [Perry] is ultimately scheming to turn Tubby and Babs out of Black Manor, demolish the old pile and replace it with something more modern are ludicrous in the extreme.
–Frank, Feb. 21, 2017.
*Give or take. Offer void in 2003-2004 and 2009-2012. Hey, it’s your lucky year! Subscribe now!!
I think that you should emphasize the number of DAYS, months, between FRANK and the lesser press.
Such as revelations about Madame Lafarge (Payette) took 810 days!!
No doubt to allow time to negotiate defamation suit settlement before they writs were dropped. (Is that the correct cliche?)