“dead in the water” – Frank Magazine

“dead in the water”

[T]he climate-change measure that earlier this week looked dead in the water now seems headed for Mr. Biden’s signature, rescuing a principal part of the President’s agenda and, many climate-change advocates believe, his historical profile as a reformer – part of his early identity, worn away by decades of compromise.
— David Shribman, Globe and Mail, July 29.

With Edmonton’s candidacy going from fragile to reportedly dead in the water, Toronto and Vancouver will likely be the last two standing by Thursday.
— Joe Callaghan, Toronto Star, June 15.

Failing any major last-minute political manoeuvring, the Ambassador Bridge’s proposed twin span project appears dead in the water for the foreseeable future.
— Dave Battagello, Windsor Star, June 13.

The formerly dead-in-the-water Saudi-backed breakaway tour is now pulling a Jaws on the PGA Tour. It isn’t just circling the boat. It’s starting to eat it.
— Cathal Kelly, Globe and Mail, June 8.

Cowichan Lake’s floating walkway dead in the water
— Cowichan Valley Citizen, May 24.

The steering committee will now select firms to begin an investigation so taxpayers can find out how $630,000 was spent on a questionable project now dead in the water.
— Jessica R. Durling, The Pointer, May 20, 2022.

Lifelong commercial fisherman Mark Weaver had anticipated a bumper season for his family-run commercial fishery before the COVID-19 pandemic left the industry almost dead in the water.
— Chatham Daily News, Apr. 24.

While the playoff dream is pretty much dead in the water, Connor feels the team can do some positive over the final swath of games.
— Scott Billeck, Winnipeg Sun, Apr. 17.

But while the rollout for the elderly that started in February has been efficient, and 48.4 per cent of Canadians have had a third shot, the effort to get boosters into the remainder of the population is dead in the water.
— Editorial, Globe and Mail, May 4.

Just a few weeks ago, Boris Johnson looked to be dead in the water.
— Kelly McParland, National Post, Mar. 24.

So: Branagh makes a killing, while leaving his cast dead in the water. Case closed. [bonus cliché!!]
— Barry Hertz, Globe and Mail, Feb. 9.

With Premier François Legault saying the priority is the expansion of French CEGEPs, his minister for higher education confirmed Tuesday that the Dawson College expansion project is dead in the water.
— Philip Authier, Montreal Gazette, Feb. 1.


WINNER: Globe and Mail (4)

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