
Stop Us Before We Honk Again! Convoy suit blames cops for, er, Convoy

Freedom Convoy droogs may have failed this week to anti-SLAPP their way out of the $290M class action suit by Ottawa honk sufferers aka Find Out v. Fuck Around, but the cunning legal stratagems continue.

The usual tiresome ear sores returned to the Ottawa courts last week, with a suit against the Ottawa Police Services Board for not preventing their unhinged bullshit and seeking to have the flatfeet foot the bill for any class action damages.

Troll call: Tamara Lich (for tis always she), Chris Barber, Tom Marazzo, Sean Tiessen, Miranda Gasior, Daniel Bulford, Dale Ennis, Ryan Mihilewicz, Brad Howland, Harold Jonker. Throw in corporate defendants Jonker Trucking Inc., and Freedom 2022 Human Rights and Freedoms, the non-profit Lich and Barber set up mid-occupation to stash growing piles of crowdfunded cash.

The accounts once held $419,406 from about 3,000 direct email transfers, plus $1 million from GoFundMe. They only managed to withdraw $26,000 before the RCMP froze the accounts and the Ontario A.G. subsequently tied up the funds for possible forfeiture — minus anything yet to be awarded in the class action suit.

But I digress.

Let us go to this week’s convoy law jobbers,  James Manson (Franks passim) and Chris Fleury, Charter Advocates Canada, and their application to third-party the police services board:

“The plaintiffs in this action plead that by virtue of OPS’s negligence or other tortious conduct (for whose conduct OPSB is liable at law), the plaintiffs in this action are entitled to contribution, indemnity and relief over from OPSB for any amounts that the plaintiffs in this action are found liable to pay the plaintiffs in the Class Action.”

Da particulars:

“a) contrary to the agreed-upon plan between the OPS and the protestors, the OPS directed hundreds of commercial and other vehicles to park in downtown Ottawa during the Protest, including in residential neighbourhoods. But for such conduct by the OPS, the alleged nuisance claimed by the Class Action plaintiffs could never and would never have taken place;

“b) the OPS were overwhelmed by the number of vehicles arriving in downtown Ottawa, despite efforts by the plaintiffs in this action and others to communicate such information to them before arrival;

“c) the OPS did not read available police intelligence reports, watch the national news, or review any other reporting which widely recognized the size and scale of the Protest;

“d) in the alternative, the OPS was aware of the size and scale of the Protest and choose to disregard this information;

“e) the OPS failed to adequately plan for the Protest;

“f) the OPS placed inexperienced officers in leadership positions;

“g) the OPS did not direct protestors’ vehicles to leave downtown Ottawa when it became known that they would not leave of their own acco–(that’s enough freedom and individual responsibility!!–ed.)

Full laugher here.


  1. “I cannot be held responsible for running that red light and hitting the baby carriage…if only there had been a police officer there to give me a stern look as I approached the intersection none of this would have occurred.”

    • That is the argument for having the light shows for RIDE as a deterrent, since they start setting up just as the night owls head out, and seeing it will allegedly make them think twice before getting behind the wheel sloshed. Then again, red light cameras work so well at revenue collection.

  2. “h) the OPS did not install a couple of 50 caliber machine guns at each end of Wellington Street and open fire soon as they saw the kind of demented jackasses they were dealing with.

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