Another bleary-eyed, stiff-wristed three months of standing on guard for the national innocence at Canada Border Service Agency’s crack Prohibited Importations Unit. The vigilant PIU defends Canadians who cannot currently access the Internet from the wrong sorts of incest porn and incitements to genocide, in the form of DVDs, Compact Discs (!), comic books, and the still-popular manifesto/screed.
A single hate comic book was reviewed and rejected between July and September, MANU: For the Man to Come; Miguel Serrano; (55 Club; 2021.) “Esoteric Hitlerism,” whatever that is. Prohibited.
Also prohibited, the only sex comic book perused: My Fair MILF; Body Double Inc; (Takasugi Kou; 2021.)
Frank felicitations to the winners of Canada’s coveted ‘admissible’ sticker for hate literature, earned by three out of five titles reviewed, including a self-published exposé of Anne Frank. Better luck next time to wartime British fascist William “Lord Haw-Haw” Joyce, whose classic Twilight Over England remains verboten after all these years.

Ditto Team Skeet and Paper Street Media, whose sequels to Penetrating My Tiny Sis were no more successful getting through customs than the banned original, featuring fun-sized adult performer Kenzie Reeves, 4’10”. It scored 4.25 out of 5 stars at Adult DVD Empire.
What to Not Read in Canada (Quarterly List of Admissible and Prohibited Titles July-Sept 2024):
Nice Nazis (admissible)
National Socialism: The Biological Worldview & A Left Wing Movement; Povl Riis Knudsen (Ragnarok Publications)
The Eighth Crusade: Uncensored Disclosures of a British Staff Officer; August Pries (GMBH. Leipzig, 1939.)
Unmasking Anne Frank (Her Famous Diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud); Ikuo Suzuki; 2022.
Not So Nice Nazis (prohibited, please remember to hate safely)
The Steep Climb: Essays on the Jewish Question; Thomas Dalton (Clemens & Blair, LLC; 2023.)
Twilight Over England; William Joyce; (Oceanus Den Haag; 1942.)
Seedy CDs
Blue Eyed Devils, Retribution; (Tri State Terror, 1999.) — admissible.
Deaths Head Southern Cross Hammer Skinheads; Kilgore (NorthX Records). – admissible.
Johnny Rebel: It’s the Attitude Stupid; (Johnny Rebel Records, 2006.) – prohibited, missing comma.
Disreputable DVDs (prohibited in Canada, obscenity)
Don’t Stop This; (Orange Media Group, 2020.)
Gaycest: Coming of Age Tapes #1-5; (Carnal + Network & Carnal Media, 2023.)
Hope Harper’s Full House (Desperate Pleasures & JW Ties Productions, 2015.)
It’s All Relative (Desperate Pleasures & JW Ties Productions, 2018.)
Mommy Likes Em Young 3 (Naked Sins & Jay Jay, 2015.)
Mommy, Me and a Gangster # 2 (Combat Zone; 2011 & 2012.)
Penetrating My Tiny Sis (Team Skeet & Paper Street Media, LLC, 2023.)
Penetrating My Tiny Sis 2 (Team Skeet & Paper Street Media, LLC, 2023.)
Penetrating My Tiny Sis 3 (Team Skeet & Paper Street Media, LLC, 2024

The only barely-legal DVD to make it over the border last quarter: Seduce Your Dad Type 9 (Porn Pros, 2023.) Congrats, Dad!
Anything about a private school teacher and his student?