“But nowhere and by no one have we been thought a barrel of laughs since Ed Sullivan used to split his sides laughing at Wayne and Shuster” February 26, 2018 Drivel
“As Patrick Brown said on the night he tenured his resignation to caucus…” February 23, 2018 Twidiocy
“Never underestimate how much you are hated, I have always told women….” February 22, 2018 Drivel/News
“For all the other moments #MeToo has wrought, the Patrick Brown story is seminal….” February 16, 2018 Drivel
They found many items relevant to the case but nothing more pressing than a man tied up on the bed in McArthur’s room. February 8, 2018 Drivel
The president is entitled to be free from half-wit cable news announcers…regularly announcing that “the noose is tightening around [his] neck.” February 8, 2018 Drivel
“Michael Wolff has performed almost the final evisceration of the throbbing pustule of deranged Trumpophobia.” January 24, 2018 Drivel