Deep thoughts from the Facebook page of Earl “Lying Piece of Shit” Cowan

Liberals have to put themselves in jail before they jail other pimps and Johns.
–Earl on Sun News headline “No johns charged in Ontario two months after new prostitution law enacted.” –Feb 4, 2015.

As for the “what if” loonies, they should realize that every time they wake up in the morning they each become potential mass murderers, and they should be locked in jail for what they might do that day. 
The problem then becomes, who will be left outside to lock the door of the jail.
–Police defend arresting BB gun brothers, Sept. 17, 2014.

The moral of the story is this:
The relationship that any man has with a woman, his wife, girlfriend, mother, doctor, etc., is a BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP.
Men should not say anything that they would not say in court, or a news conference.
Men think that the women they love, love them back. Maybe, but “love”, means something different to modern women.
–Earl on Donald Sterling, May 1, 2014.

I have a solution to this problem:
Put all Toronto politicians and media people into rehab somewhere in Greenland, and let Rob Ford run the city.
–Earl on Sun headline Rob Ford sickened by Sun audio, doesn’t want to die, May 1, 2014.

The Senate works pretty well now, it is cheap insurance against tyranny, but the important thing is that after they are appointed Senators must be independent of the Government, and that means no restrictions on them.
–April 25, 2014.

To John Nador: I have, actually, spent time with criminals, crack,and pot users, and drunks, and I once had Christmas dinner with a drug dealer. He was cold. Next week we celebrate the birthday of a guy who hung with tax collectors, questionable women, and Samaritans. Do you relate to the words:”unctuous fool”?
–Dec. 16, 2013.

This breaks the Toronto Star’s strangle hold on the truth.
–Earl on the announcement that Rob and Doug Ford would host their own show on Sun News Network. The show was cancelled after one episode. Nov. 14, 2013.

What kind of expense claims would we see if we investigated Andy Madden’s tax return?Everybody tries to maximize their expenses, and the Prime Minister is not a tax auditer.
The protesters against gas exploration in NB are putting the economy of Canada at risk, and deserve 15 articles to expose their hypocrisy.
Duffy’s expense claims are insignificant, and have no effect on the national economy.
–Oct. 23, 2013.










  1. A typical Ford Nation type and angry Conservative – with an IQ of not more than 80 (and that’s being generous).

  2. I’m wondering if this Earl Cowan is any relation to the Ralph Cowan, who was a Liberal MP from York-Humber back in the 1960s. He was turfed out of the Liberal caucus a few months prior to the 1968 election, when it was obvious he should have been a Conservative..

  3. Ole Cowan done need warsh his mouth out with all dat cussin’ of his. Youse other Conservative intellectuals should take note.

  4. So much rage…but it really ought to be directed at whoever dropped him on his head as an infant.

  5. Having advised my FB friends of his identity, I note that his profile picture has been replaced with, er, an anonymous profile.Tell us more Frank!

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